The smart equestrian knows how important it is to wear the right headgear. There are many types to choose from, but after you have taken the necessary precautions to prevent head injury, it’s time for the fashion-forward girl to choose the right equestrian bows. That’s where PonyTail Bows comes in: Time to Dress up, Play hard and Stand out.
Being Confident
Confidence is hard to get and maintain. But looking and feeling good is an essential part of the equation. Feeling good about your appearance is a great way to boost your self-confidence and improve your performance. Whether you are looking to improve academically, socially, or in athletics, feeling great about your appearance goes a long way toward improving your performance.
But looking good is not about having an obsessive pride in your appearance. Rather, it is about putting your best you forward. When you look and feel good, you are happier; and when you are in a good mood with boosted confidence, you perform better.
Girl Power
A 2008 study published by Journal of Marketing Research revealed that attitude and clothing are correlated in a way that makes people act a certain way. For instance, people who are loyal to Apple tend to be more creative, and Disney lovers are found to be more honest. Scientists have also concluded that “cute” things improve our performance, especially when it comes to behavioral activities like riding.
When we look good, and have attractive items to focus on, our performance improves. This is partially because our attention is more focused and less distracted by inadequate and self-conscious feelings.
Riding High
Dressing for the equestrian sport is very unique, with many changing trends constantly being introduced. Girls who ride have great equestrian bow options available from PonyTail Bows. Designed and handcrafted with love, these bows will make you look and feel good. And as a result, improve your performance.