Wow. To say a lot has happened since our last blog post is an understatement.
I don't think ANYONE saw Covid coming. I'm also not sure any of us have 100% gotten over that moment in our lives. Covid had just hit when we acquired PonyTail Bows and no one knew how the world would change from then to now. Luckily, PTB has managed to continue being a favorite bow for pony riders across the nation.
We want to thank our PTB family that has emerged over the years; the customers, the wholesalers, the bow extraordinaire herself - Suzanne, and all of the other people who have believed in PTB.
PonyTail Bows is excited for what's to come and all the pony riders we get to make smile one bow at a time. PTB was created to make each rider feel special and unique in the ring, giving them the confidence they need to show their best - a mission we are immensely passionate about.
And, while we are on the topic of spreading confidence, we are excited to announce our Back-to-School Delegate Search starting Sept. 3rd to help us find pony riders who are just as passionate about PTBs as we are!
We can't wait to see you in PTBs at your next show! Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook and tag us for the chance to be featured!
With love and bows,
S & R
PonyTail Bows